The Biotechnology Reference Network (XRB, in catalan) (
The XRB was created by the Catalan Government to transfer the knowledge generated in Biotechnology to enterprises and society. Nowadays is still one of the strategic objectives of the Catalan Government.
The main objective of the XRB is to promote interdisciplinary research in the field of Biotechnology in Catalonia. Another objective of special importance is the exchange of knowledge between the public sector and the private sector. The latter objective is performed by the joint participation in national and international projects, adding business value to our projects (valorization) and also offering our high value knowledge to other institutions and enterprises. A third objective of the XRB of relevance is the social diffusion of biotechnology.
The XRB focuses on the promotion and management of the transfer of knowledge and technology generated by our researchers from four different entities:
These groups of excellence are organized in 7 units and the managing body is the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG), which is the TTO of the University of Barcelona.
The know-how of the XRB in the following areas of biotechnology includes:
Director: A. Blanch (
Business Developer: G. Hernández (
We offer our know how in biotech to institutions and enterprises.
Our competitive advantage is that we can offer transversal projects including two or more areas of biotechnology (white, red, green and grey biotech)
The XRB is member of several international organizations as EBN and national organizations as SusChem. The XRB is managed by the Fundació Bosch i Gimpera, creating synergies between both organizations to facilitate the transference of technology and knowledge.
The XRB collaborates with Acció, Biocat, CataloniaBio, Biovegen and other associations in Biotech.
Some XRB groups are members of network Tecnio (Acció)
Institutions and enterprises interested in projects embracing one or more Biotech areas.