Descifran un nuevo mecanismo de progresión de la fibrosis en enfermedades hepáticas crónicas

by Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica

Investigadores del IDIBAPS coordinan un estudio que demuestra el potencial de una nueva estrategia antifibrótica en enfermedades hepáticas crónicas. Se trata del papel de una enzima involucrada en ...

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Telum Therapeutics raises € 4.1 million in its first round, led by Invivo Ventures, together with the co-investment of Clave Capital and CDTI-Innvierte

by Telum Therapeutics

Telum Therapeutics (‘Telum’), an emerging biotechnology company that develops new treatments for infectious diseases based on the use of lytic enzymes from bacteriophages, called enzybiotics, has ...

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Una nueva herramienta CRISPR ultracompacta revela el primer virus con antivirus

by Agencia Sinc

El equipo de la investigadora Jennifer Doudna ha encontrado una nueva nucleasa Cas mucho más pequeña y versátil allí donde menos cabía esperar: en un virus. Este la ‘robó’ a una bacteria en ...

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UB study identifies a new pharmacological target against Alzheimer’s disease

by Universitat de Barcelona

A UB study published in the journal Neurothera​peutics has validated a new pharmacological target for Alzheimer’s disease. The results show the inhibition of the enzyme soluble epoxide hydrolase (...

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Consiguen reproducir en células una reacción química de laboratorio de alta complejidad

by Centro Singular de Investigación en Química Biológica y Materiales Moleculares

El grupo de investigación del CiQUS de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) dirigido por el Prof. José Luis Mascareñas consigue un nuevo impulso en el campo de la catálisis artificial e...

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LipoBots: robust nanomotors for biomedical applications developed with encapsulation technology

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

Researchers at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) have developed a new type of encapsulated enzyme nanomotors.

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La empresa Evoenzyme diseña nuevas enzimas aplicables a la obtención de fármacos o al tratamiento de residuos plásticos

by CSIC - Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

La compañía, basada en una tecnología del CSIC, dirige la evolución de estos catalizadores biológicos para mejor sus propiedades y aplicarlas en diversos sectores industriales

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Reig Jofre to produce Janssen Covid-19 vaccine in Barcelona

by CataloniaBio

Big news for dealing with coronavirus and for the healthcare and life sciences sector in Catalonia: pharmaceutical company Reig Jofre, a member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, has reached a deal with Ja...

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Avoiding Costly IP Missteps: Insights for high-quality due diligence searches

by CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society

As chemical and life science companies seeking to monetize their IP portfolios emerge from the challenges of COVID-19, 2021 looks to be a year that will see increased product licensing, acquisitions a...

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Nanomol Technologies will participate on February 3 in the final workshop of the H2020 European project Smart4Fabry

by Nanomol Technologies

On February 3, the final workshop of the European Smart4Fabry project will be held. Smart4Fabry is an initiative whose objective is to obtain a new GLA nanoformulation to address Fabry disease, achiev...

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