Científicos del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica (IRB Barcelona) han probado con éxito in vitro el veneno de avispa para provocar la muerte de las células tumorales. El siguiente paso será c...
Read moreScientists at IRB Barcelona in collaboration with researchers at the University of Barcelona observe that aggregates of 20 to 100 units of beta-amyloid have a structure that is the most harmful to neu...
Read moreEl objetivo de recaudar 100.000 euros es para el desarrollo de un nuevo fármaco para frenar la progresión y revertir los déficits cognitivos asociados a la esquizofrenia: el IPR019
Read moreThe project, led by Natàlia Carulla, will be undertaken over three years, aims to verify a new therapeutic target to fight Alzheimer’s.
Read moreResearchers in Barcelona discover more potential candidates on the route to tailored, photo-switchable therapies by disproving design limitation
Read moreThe expected end-result will be the obtaining of an optimal formulation and a route of administration of the compound for its use as a drug in patients. This will allow carrying out the regulatory pre...
Read moreChemists at IRB Barcelona patent and present a shuttle capable of transporting molecules into the brain; this achievement could facilitate the treatment of diseases with no therapy available. 98% o...
Read moreThis project seeks to establish a new therapeutic approach to Friedreich’s ataxia based on the replacement of the frataxin protein that patients lack. However, this approach could be used for other ...
Read moreA team of UAB scientists has produced an alternative to the use of viruses in gene therapy. The researchers synthesised nanoparticles which act as artificial viruses, capable of surrounding DNA fragme...
Read moreEl trabajo, que explica las características de la transmisión de información entre las neuronas, aparece publicado en la revista Journal of Neuroscience
Read moreLa prueba consiste en un único análisis de una gota de sangre. Esto reduce enormemente el coste con respecto a los métodos serológicos actuales, que se limitan a testear un virus en cada prueba
Read moreEl presupuesto global para este proyecto es de un millón de euros y tendrá una duración de cuatro años, a contar a partir del 1 de febrero de 2015
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