The cell therapy area at 3P Biopharmaceuticals receives GMP certification of an allogeneic cell therapy medicine


This past April, 3P Biopharmaceuticals obtained GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certification for a manufacturing process of a cellular medication destined for allogeneic therapy treatments

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3P Biopharmaceuticals keeps focused in international markets


With more than 60% of its portfoloio composed of international clients, 3P has active presence in major international markets such as USA, Australia, Mexico, Argentina, France, Norway, Italy, UK, Belg...

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3P Biopharmaceuticals Advanced Therapy area develops a GMP buffer involved in a novel treatment for the Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)


The project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme and aims to develop a non-viral gene therapeutic approach for the treatment of this neurodegenerative disease o...

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How to select the perfect partner, next CPhI 2015 by 3PBiopharmaceuticals, Charles River, Covance and Menarini Biotech


"The challenge of Partner selection: the best travel companion in biologics drug development adventure” will discover the keys to success in this major challenge

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EU-ToxRisk: proyecto europeo líder para evaluar el riesgo y toxicidad de la exposición a medicamentos y productos químicos

by Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe

El proyecto EU-ToxRisk, coordinado por Bob van de Water, catedrático de Toxicología en la Universidad de Leiden (Holanda), busca convertirse en el líder europeo en evaluación de la seguridad quím...

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Kymos crece con la biotec

by La Vanguardia

Kymos realiza controles de calidad de medicamentos o de sus componentes, estudios de bioequivalencia, estudios de estabilidad para determinar la caducidad o, en investigación, análisis de muestras d...

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InKemia refuerza su participación en Recerca Clínica hasta el 51% del capital

by InKemia IUCT group

InKemia informa que el grupo ha realizado la compra de las participaciones del segundo mayor accionista de Recerca Clínica, S.L. por valor de 75.000 euros. Así mismo suscribe una ampliación de capi...

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Sermes CRO seleccionado como Tester del Nuevo Portal Europeo de la EMA (UATs)

by Sermes CRO

La EMA (European Medicines Agency), retoma el desarrollo del Nuevo portal para la presentación online de ensayos clínicos a nivel europeo (UATs European Portal). Éste Octubre 2017 se llevará a cab...

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Mind the Byte and Prosilico sign a strategic partnership agreement

by Mind the Byte

Mind the Byte, a bioinformatics company located at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and at Copenhagen BioScience Park (COBIS), announces that it has just signed an agreement to share technology with t...

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El Campus Vall d’Hebron renueva su acuerdo de colaboración con PPD, uno de los líderes a nivel mundial en gestión de ensayos clínicos, a través de su programa estratégico PPD Select

by Vall d’Hebron

El Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Campus Hospitalario y Pharmaceutical Product Development LLC (PPD), una de las Contract Research Organization (CRO) líderes a nivel mundial, han renovado su acuerdo de cola...

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Sermes CRO and Quirónsalud have signed an agreement to collaborate in the development of Clinical Research Studies

by Sermes CRO

Sermes CRO, a company with more than 10 years dedicated to the health sector and clinical research, have signed an agreement with Quirónsalud for conducting clinical trials, observational studies and...

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Pivotal´s milestone in the European Society for Medical Oncology Congress

by Pivotal

On Tuesday, October 23rd, the European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO) ended its annual Congress in Munich with over 26,000 oncology professionals from all over the world. This congress w...

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