Un estudio del Servicio de Nefrología ha confirmado la mejor respuesta ante la COVID-19 de los pacientes vacunados y que hubieran pasado la infección
Read moreThe COVID-19 pandemic has sparked extensive discussions about its effect on mental health. While global suicide rates remained stable during the pandemic, the specific impact on non-lethal suicidal be...
Read moreIs the first prospective analysis of pre-pandemic data on pollutants in healthy people. The findings provide a possible new explanation for the large differences in susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infect...
Read moreREACT Project, led by the National Serum Institute in Denmark (Statens Serum Institute, SSI), receives 7 million euros from the EU.
Read moreInvestigadores del proyecto CIBERESUCICOVID, financiado por el Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), han demostrado que el test rápido de antígeno, el que se usa para diagnosticar la enfermedad en...
Read moreUn estudio retrospectivo publicado en Journal of Fungi por investigadores del servicio de Microbiología Clínica del Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón (HGUGM), pertenecientes al grupo...
Read moreBoth diseases have clinical manifestations that may be similar, but a study, in which IDIBAPS researchers have participated, has identified markers that allow differentiating them in cases of pregnant...
Read moreAs age increases in men, the concentration of the hormone in the blood drops and this increases the likelihood of severe progression of the infection in COVID-19 patients
Read moreResearchers from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and CIBERSAM collaborate on the WHO report on the consequences that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on mental health. Mental health services ha...
Read moreLa investigación se enmarca dentro del proyecto DISNET, que cuenta con financiación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y de la Comunidad de Madrid, y dirigido por el profesor Alejandro Rodrígu...
Read moreEste hallazgo, publicado recientemente por el grupo Interlab-UMU en la revista Environmental Research and Public Health, valida un método que permite cuantificar el nivel de ferritina en saliva y eva...
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