Barcelona, capital of biodesign

by Professional Newco

On September 9th 2014, Barcelona will held the first European Biomedical Investor’s Day, an event focused on new medical technologies organized by six pioneering institutions that deliver biodesign-...

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IBEC group uncovers new mechanism for wound healing

by Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

When we think of wound healing, we normally think of wounds to our skin. But wounds happen inside the body in all sorts of tissues and organs, and can have implications in many chronic diseases such a...

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Impact of Improved Image Quality of Angiography Equipment in Interventional Oncology

by Professional Newco

Dr. Michael J. Wallace is considered to be an innovative interventional radiologist. He believes that using the latest imaging techniques at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

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Telemedicina: la nueva frontera de la salud digital

by Professional Newco

​La telemedicina se revela como una tecnología cada vez más necesaria. El crecimiento de la esperanza de vida se traduce en un aumento de la prevalencia de las enfermedades crónicas y de la frecu...

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Roche launches new fully automated molecular diagnostic systems offering the fastest time to results with the highest testing capacity

by Roche
  • 11 years ago

​The cobas 6800/8800 Systems offer advanced performance with next generation donor screening assays

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La resonancia magnética detecta y cuantifica la grasa en el hígado

by Agencia Sinc
  • 11 years ago

La grasa que se acumula en el hígado en determinadas circunstancias produce inflamación, fibrosis y, finalmente, cirrosis. Hasta ahora, el método más fiable para su determinación era la biopsia h...

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Se presenta una técnica revolucionaria que permite medir la madurez de los pulmones del feto con una simple ecografía

by Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica
  • 11 years ago

​Ya es posible determinar el grado de madurez de los pulmones fetales, crucial para la calidad de los primeros días de vida del futuro bebé, a partir del análisis una simple ecografía. El Dr. Ed...

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Towards more efficient procedures for compliance testing in the food industry and food control

by Professional Newco

One of the key strategies to cope with this task is the application of so called screening methods, which are able to deliver a quick analytical result, often at relatively low costs

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SOM Biotech y Vall d'Hebron inician el ensayo en pacientes de un fármaco reposicionado para la amiloidosis

by Som Biotech

Lograr este objetivo ha supuesto para la empresa un esfuerzo de más de tres años y una inversión de más de 2.000.000 €, que ha sido posible gracias a capital privado y a subvenciones y préstamo...

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Researchers design a model to predict the effects of chemical substances on health

by IRB Barcelona - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica
  • 10 years ago

Since the beginning of the 21st century, drugs have been designed to alter the behaviour of proteins or genes that have previously been identified as being affected in certain diseases. Based on prior...

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Virtualising patients' spines for better decision-making on back treatments

by Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya
  • 10 years ago

MySpine is being tested in a clinical setting using real data from about 200 patients. For the moment, the platform has been validated by comparing the simulation results of 65 patients to the clinica...

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El Clínic participa en un comité de expertos para unificar los criterios radiológicos de diagnóstico en cáncer de hígado

by Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica

Uno de los debates más intensos en oncología hepática es si el diagnóstico por la imagen por sí sólo puede servir o no para determinar si un nódulo en el hígado es maligno o es necesario reali...

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