A healthier future? Four research priority areas for food and diet

by European Commission - Joint Research Centre
  • 10 years ago

In the EU, life expectancy increases by 2.5 years per decade, but only 75-80% of total life expectancy is spent in good health. Chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or cancer, as...

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Researchers design a model to predict the effects of chemical substances on health

by IRB Barcelona - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica
  • 10 years ago

Since the beginning of the 21st century, drugs have been designed to alter the behaviour of proteins or genes that have previously been identified as being affected in certain diseases. Based on prior...

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The HEATSENS nanobiosensing technology, owned by NANOIMMUNOTECH, recognized as one of the worldwide most innovative ideas by the European Commission


The European Commission grants NANOIMMUNOTECH with the SME Instrument (HORIZON 2020 Program) for its innovative HEATSENS_S nanobiosensor that enables fast, simple and ultra-sensitive detection of Salm...

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El Consorcio Internacional de Investigación en Enfermedades Raras lanza un sello de calidad

by Instituto de Salud Carlos III

La etiqueta “Recomendado por IRDiRC” avalará la eficacia de infraestructuras de todo tipo que promuevan la cooperación y el avance de tratamientos y biomarcadores diagnósticos en enfermedades p...

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Detectan alérgenos en harinas con técnicas de imagen hiperespectral

by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Este procedimiento mejora las técnicas actuales, largas y costosas, detectando cantidades pequeñas de contaminación por alérgenos sin alterar la muestra original

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La Unión Europea acredita a la UB como centro de excelencia en recursos humanos en investigación

by Universitat de Barcelona

Un requisito fundamental para obtener esta distinción es disponer de un plan de acción con el objetivo de alinear las políticas de recursos humanos de la institución con los cuarenta principios ex...

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Quality standards of breast cancer services differ across Europe

by European Commission - Joint Research Centre

Most European countries acknowledge the importance of quality in breast cancer services but use different standards to cover the various stages of care

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El CEDER de Lubia inicia 2016 con dos nuevos proyectos europeos sobre biomasa

by DiCYT - Agencia Iberoamericana para la Difusión de la Ciencia y la Tecnología

Ambos proyectos están financiados por el programa H2020, “Societal challenges” de la Comisión Europea, y suponen una inversión total de unos 6.000.000 euros, de los cuales, unos 800.000 euros c...

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Telstar introduces Kaizen lean management system and increases efficiency by 12% in 2015

by Telstar

Fully operational since October 2014, the initiative has had a particular impact on quality work processes and facilitates the comprehensive management under a lean manufacturing concept. Telstar has ...

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The FBG collaborates with the Certification Body DNV GL so that UB researchers evaluate R&D&I projects

by Fundació Bosch i Gimpera

The agreement between the company and the FBG will strengthen the collaboration of UB research groups and companies and increase Contract Research. UB experts interested in taking part in the external...

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Embryotools, con sede en el Parc Científic de Barcelona, se consolida a escala internacional

by La Vanguardia

En menos de tres años Embryotools ha conseguido encargos en diversas partes del mundo, ofrece consultoría y formación a especialistas de 25 nacionalidades y trabaja en los que podrían ser los prim...

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The Pulmonary Bank of Vall d'Hebron obtains a quality certificate

by Vall d’Hebron

The Pulmonary Bank of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital's Biobank has been certified with the seal ISO 9001:2008 for its management and operation. This certification, obtained together with the Re...

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