Largest cancer genetic analysis reveals new way of classifying cancer

por Professional Newco

​Researchers with The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Research Network have completed the largest, most diverse tumor genetic analysis ever conducted, revealing a new approach to classifying cancers

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Faulty gene increases breast cancer risk to ‘one in three’

por Professional Newco

"It's another piece of information to help women make proper informed choices about how they may help to minimise their own risk" - Professor Peter Johnson, Cancer Research UK

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Diabetes: the EU's heavy burden

por Professional Newco

An estimated 32 million people in the European Union (8.1%) were living with diabetes in 2013. Although policymakers are now paying special attention to the issue and to obesity-related conditions mor...

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One step closer to understanding cancer

por Professional Newco

Understanding the cell changes associated with cancer will provide vital clues for both detecting and treating the disease. The EU-funded GlycoBioM project is contributing with tools to pinpoint disea...

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A new way to model cancer

por Professional Newco

New gene-editing technique allows scientists to more rapidly study the role of mutations in tumor development. Anne Trafton | MIT News Office

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Tomar aspirina de forma regular durante más de 5 años reduce el riesgo de desarrollar ciertos cánceres

por Professional Newco

For the first time, scientists have reviewed all the available evidence from many studies and clinical trials assessing both the benefits and harms of preventive use of aspirin.

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Implanted neurons become part of the brain

por Professional Newco
  • 10 years ago

Scientists at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) of the University of Luxembourg have grafted neurons reprogrammed from skin cells into the brains of mice for the first time with lon...

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Genetic variants linked with schizophrenia have impact in healthy carriers

por Professional Newco
  • 10 years ago

Genetic variants associated with schizophrenia and autism still have an impact on cognitive skills and brain structure in people who carry the genes but do not suffer from these conditions. This is on...

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Curar el cáncer sin quimioterapia

por Professional Newco

Cuando los niños que nazcan hoy alcancen la mayoría de edad, los tratamientos a base de quimioterapia para combatir el cáncer habrán pasado a formar parte de la historia. Sí, la afirmación resul...

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Ratones transparentes y un análisis de sangre para identificar el riesgo de suicidio

por Professional Newco
  • 10 years ago

Aunque estemos en pleno verano, la semana ha venido muy cargada de información científica con noticias que van desde el estudio del genoma humano hasta la exploración futura de otros mundos. Sin em...

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Study finds new genetic risk markers in pancreatic cancer

por Professional Newco

A large DNA analysis of people with and without pancreatic cancer has identified several new genetic markers that signal increased risk of developing the highly lethal disease, report scientists from ...

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Una prueba ocular podría adelantar 20 años el diagnóstico del Alzheimer

por Professional Newco

Un equipo de investigadores de la Fundación McCusker para la Investigación del Alzheimer en Perth (Australia) ha desarrollado un test ocular que, comparado frente a las técnicas diagnósticas actua...

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