Date: September 16, 2020


A molecule's chemical, physical and biological properties are often as important to their chemical structure when researching and developing new innovations/products.

Whether you are working to characterize a particular compound through an understanding of its properties, or searching for substances based on a specific range of property values, it is important to include the CAS Registry in your research strategy as it is the most comprehensive and accurate collection of curated chemical substances in the world and of course there is no better way to accomplish this than with SciFindern.

SciFindern, the newest and most advanced offering in the SciFinder® family, empowers you to quickly find the most relevant, actionable answers that advance your research forward. Whether you already using SciFindern or considering making the switch, this webinar will help improve your search effectiveness, allowing you to save time, be more creative, and increase confidence in your decision making.

In this webinar you will learn how to:

  • understand the types of chemical, biological, and physical properties and spectra available with SciFindern
  • utilize search techniques to identify compounds that have specific property types/values or spectra
  • quickly assemble the relevant literature that describe the relevant property information in greater detail

Times (all times US Eastern Daylight Time)

Fuente: CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society
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