A biogas plant has a theoretically simple operating scheme, it is a process in which the waste likely to produce biogas is selected and introduced into a digester in which the microorganisms present a...
The demands and limits of discharges in terms of industrial wastewater are increasingly strict, forcing companies to undertake water analysis, to be able to decide the best water treatments that he...
Since the beginning of the agrarian revolution and later the industrial revolution, continental soils have been the most damaged.
Industrial activity, being an activity of transformation of raw ma...
The huge amount of pollutants from industrial activities represents a threat to the ecological and environmental balance.
Chlorinated organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticide...
El proceso de obtención de biogás es un sistema complejo en el que intervienen muchos factores. En general, la digestión consiste en aprovechar los residuos para la obtención de este biocombustibl...