From today on, at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), it is possible to collect invitations to attend the talk Grandmothers and human evolution, to be given by Dr. James O'Connell, distinguished emeritus professor at the University of Utah, member of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, and renowned around the world for his research into the last hunter-gatherer cultures in Africa and Australia, within which he lived for long periods.

In the talk, which will be given next Saturday, 22 September, at 7 pm, in the CENIEH Conference Hall, Dr. O'Connell will highlight the fundamental role played by grandmothers in the success of our species: this success was traditionally attributed to men, almost exclusively, in their capacities as hunters and heads of the family.

The schedule for collecting invitations (maximum of six per person) is from 9 am to 8 pm, Mondays to Fridays, at CENIEH reception, although it is also possible to book them by calling 947040800, up to the day of the event itself. Because the talk will be given in English, a simultaneous interpretation service into Spanish will be provided.

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