CiQUS focuses its scientific objectives in the field of health, materials science and the development of new transformative and sustainable technologies. Its research groups address, from an inter- and multidisciplinary perspective, current challenges in the fields of biological chemistry, new functional materials and synthetic methodologies.
CiQUS’ research activity focuses on the following three major areas:
This research line clusters scientific investigations that are aimed at the discovery of new organic, inorganic and metallo-organic materials with unique properties, as well as their application in the development of technological devices. It focuses especially on the implementation of biomedical applications as well as in the design of new molecular electronic and energetic technologies.
This research area at the frontier with supramolecular chemistry, nanotechnology and biomedicine aims to discover new molecular tools for biological research as well as for developing new therapy and diagnosis approaches to prevalent 21st century’s diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer or multi-Resistant infections. This area covers aspects of both fundamental and applied science, from the study of the molecular bases of different biological mechanisms, to the development of new drugs and novel drug transport and delivery strategies.
The general goal of this research area is to design and develop new and effective catalytic processes for the transformation of abundant raw materials into high added value products, in an economical and environmentally friendly way.
This area also includes the activity of CiQUS in the development of technologies to improve commercial product’s health, mainly related to the textile industry.
Structure and organization of CIQUS, here.
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The Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CiQUS) was created on February 10th 2010 by the Governing Council of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).
CiQUS is the first member of a network of singular research centres with a new model of scientific organization, which constitutes one of the R&D strategic axes of the CAMPUS VIDA project (Campus of International Excellence, MEC-MICINN, 2009).
The mission of CiQUS is the development of transdisciplinary strategies to undertake some of the major current challenges in the fields of biological chemistry and molecular materials, under standards of quality and competitiveness.
The research activity of CiQUS will be addressed towards solving scientifically relevant problems, contributing to improve the quality of life and the local and global socioeconomic development. In addition, CiQUS aims to contribute to the formation of the best researchers in chemistry for future generations, and also to a better perception from society of the role of chemistry in terms of development and global welfare.
Research Lines:
Technology offers: