The mission of the Technology and Business Development Office (TBDO) at CRG is to facilitate the exploitation of the institution’s research results for the public good, and to help the economic growth of the life sciences sector in our region. Their aim is that scientific results generated at CRG develop into novel therapeutic, diagnostic and other type of products that contribute to the wellness of our society.

Under the leadership of Pablo Cironi, the new office will support the CRG technology and business development capacity and will improve communication between the CRG community and external stakeholders of the innovation arena. To this end, and in order to improve and facilitate the exchange of information, a new webpage has been released.

At the portal you will find all services, guidelines and resources of the TBDO. The new website will definitively make a difference and contribute to stimulate the CRG researchers to report an invention, even at a very early stage, and to foster entrepreneurship at CRG with different activities that seek to promote the commercialization of CRG´s technologies through the incorporation of new spin-offs.

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