JRC participation kicked off on 28 September in the European Parliaments’ Visitors Centre, the Parlamentarium. Titled Science is wonder-ful!, the full-day event hosted a thousand of school children and young people, keen on learning about science through games, quizzes and meetings with researchers. JRC Deputy Director-General Maive Rute also joined to take part in the debate “Building public understanding and trust in science”.

Elsewhere in Europe, at stands placed in some of the main historical squares, scientists will give lectures or engage curious visitors in interactive games, activities and conferences, to bring complex topics closer to the understanding of the average citizen and showcase real life use of scientific achievements.

In Italy’s cities on 30 September and 1st October, JRC scientists will carry out demonstrations and live experiments on global soil biodiversity, energy use in the food sector and life cycle assessment for sustainable living. Other activities will include topics as diverse as the use of renewables and prevention of cyber-attacks on power grids through a Minecraft game; futuring of school food and cancer care standards. There will be a game to help understand Africa’s biodiversity and another one on safety of on-line activities.

In Seville in Spain, JRC scientists will engage visitors with three different presentations: how scientific knowledge helps improve public policy, how research helps reduce industrial emissions and how science supports European climate policy.

Image: A robot at his best at the Parlamentarium in Brussels.
©EU, 2016

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