State-of-the-art infrastructure to speed up protein analysis in Catalonia

por Centre for Genomic Regulation

Seven leading biomedical research institutes in Catalonia have teamed up to create a new state-of-the-art infrastructure for the study and analysis of proteins. The newly acquired high-tech equipment ...

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Taking aim at COVID-19’s most wanted targets

por CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society

COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, has infected ​several million people and resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide. Although remde​sivir and f​avipi...

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Natac extracts proteins and antioxidants from tomato residue

por Natac Group

The tomato is a widely spread crop throughout the world, it has important production areas in many countries and has managed to position itself as one of the pillars of world vegetable production. Acc...

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How we will defeat coronavirus

por Universitat Jaume I

Opinion article of Ferran Martinez-Garcia, Professor of Cellular Biology, Predepartmental Unit of Medicine, Universitat Jaume I

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The manufacturing process for Strangvac, the new vaccine against equine strangles, is proceeding according to plan


The biotechnology company Intervacc has together with 3P Biopharmaceuticals, the contracted manufacturer of Strangvac, finalized the production of the drug substances on a commercial scale in complian...

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CIC bioGUNE researchers decode new extremophile viruses whose assembly is related to human viruses

por CIC bioGUNE

The researchers have studied two viruses which live in salt lakes and have an extraordinary survival capacity, and are crucial in understanding some of the viruses of today.

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Sterile Products Development and Manufacturing

por SiTec PharmaBio

The 2 days course introduces to sterile products development, manufacturing, and quality assurance. The first day focuses on formulation and process development of solutions, dispersed systems, and fr...

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