This past April, 3P Biopharmaceuticals obtained GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certification for a manufacturing process of a cellular medication destined for allogeneic therapy treatments. This is an important achievement for the company, because it reinforces 3P’s position in the field of advanced therapy products.
This new GMP certification allows 3P to manufacture and release cell therapy products for clinical use. 3P is a pioneer Spanish CMO in the manufacturing of human stem cell banks and is currently working on a project for the treatment of vitiligo, a degenerative disease that causes skin depigmentation. These are just two examples of how this forward-looking biopharmaceutical factory is helping to ensure that the advances proposed by so many biotech companies are realized. 3P has the necessary know-how to tackle projects for third parties involving the manufacture of products based on stem and somatic cells from different tissues.
With this new GMP certification, the company extends its previous authorization for the manufacture and release of biological active substances, the release of biological drugs and the release of sterile products for both human and veterinary use in clinical research.
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