European Union has under the 7th framework program allocated 6.9 Million Euro to the private-public TriForC consortium to establish an integrative and innovative pipeline for the development of novel plant-derived triterpenes for pharmaceutical and agrochemical exploitation.

Triterpenes are one of the largest classes of plant bioactive compounds with an astonishing, but unexploited, array of structural diversity and spectra of biological activities. The search for new triterpene derivatives is a promising approach for development of drugs for a broad range of therapeutic areas.

Six academic institutions and five biotech companies are involved in the project that will run for four years (2013-2017). Prominent academic members of the consortium are University of Copenhagen at Denmark (coordinator Prof. Soren Bak), Weizmann Institute of Science at Israel, John Innes Centre at UK, University of Ghent at Belgium and University of Thessaly at Greece. VivaCell has achieved in securing EU funding in this very competitive environment, strengthening the international position, and consolidating as prominent R&D drug discovery company. TriForC will become a source of new compounds for the future pipeline of the company.

TriForC is funded by European Community's Seventh Framework Program [FP7/2007-2013] under grant agreement° 613692.

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