Synthesisi of Pyrazoles from Acetophenones in Flow

por Galchimia

Flow Chemistry is a key enabling technology that has proven to be particularly advantageous for certain syntheses. Its inherent characteristics offer a wide range of benefits: reactions cannot only be...

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SOM Biotech at Chiba Healthcare Business Forum 2021

por Som Biotech

SOM Biotech will attend the “Chiba Global Healthcare Business Forum 2021” on February 3rd – 4th, which will take place digitally due to the pandemic situation.

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SOM Biotech keynote speaker at the Drug Discovery Innovation Programme Virtual Event 2020

por Som Biotech

SOM Biotech announces its participation at the Drug Discovery Innovation Programme event 2020, being held virtually on November 17th. The conference will be chaired by Kevin McAllister, PhD, MBA Chief...

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SOM Biotech attended the BIO International Convention 2020

por Som Biotech

The virtual gathering, one of the most relevant venues for the biotech industry worldwide, allowed SOM biotech to hold more than 70 meetings with key potential business partners and identify opportuni...

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ZeClinics joins the drug discovery and delivery network for oncology and eye therapeutics (3D-NEONET)

por ZeClinics

The consortium is bringing together a unique group of microbiologists, cancer biologists, chemists, material scientists, mechanical engineers, ocular pharmacologists, geneticists and toxicologists fro...

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La mejora en el diagnóstico del Alzheimer permite realizar investigación en fases más precoces de la enfermedad

por Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge

El Dr. Ramon Reñé, responsable de la Unidad Funcional de Demencias del Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge (UFD-HUB), destaca que “la espectacular mejora en el diagnóstico precoz a la que hemos a...

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Fundación MEDINA presenta en el simposio FiAAD los resultados de una investigación en identificación de nuevos antibióticos y tratamientos antiinfecciosos


​El simposio internacional está organizado por el Departamento de Química Medicinal de la Sociedad Farmacéutica Sueca y ENABLE, enmarcado en un proyecto del IMI (Innovative Medicines Initiative N...

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Mind the Byte launches six new software to accelerate drug discovery

por Mind the Byte

The new products were officially presented at the BIO-Europe Spring congress in Stockholm this past April and now the aim is to continue promoting the SaaS in mature pharmaceutical and biotechnology m...

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Nuevos compuestos anticancerígenos de baja toxicidad para disminuir los efectos secundarios de la quimioterapia

por Universitat Jaume I

Los compuestos diseñados tienen efectos terapéuticos especialmente elevados en células tumorales de mama y de colon y pueden ser la base para el desarrollo de fármacos oncológicos de alta selecti...

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€85million European programme targets novel antibiotics


MEDINA will develop its first novel antibiotic in a new European consortium aimed at bringing innovative solutions to fight bacterial infectious diseases. Over 30 European universities and c...

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VivaCell enhances its R&D drug discovery program with the European Community’s FP7 TRIFORC Project

por VivaCell Biotechnology

European Union has under the 7th framework program allocated 6.9 Million Euro to the private-public TriForC consortium to establish an integrative and innovative pipeline for the development of n...

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