SOM Biotech at Chiba Healthcare Business Forum 2021

por Som Biotech

SOM Biotech will attend the “Chiba Global Healthcare Business Forum 2021” on February 3rd – 4th, which will take place digitally due to the pandemic situation.

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Droplite opens seed round of 600.000€ to accelerate the manufacturing development of its smart medical diagnostics device

por GENESIS Biomed

Drop​lite,a spinoff of the Institute of Photonics Ciences (ICFO), located in the vibrant Parc Cientific de Barcelona (PCB), has recently started the industrial design and manufacturing development o...

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Flomics COVID-19 NGS platform

por Flomics Biotech SL

Flomics has joined forces with international biotech partners, specialized in Next Generation Sequencing tests, to develop a cloud-based data analysis solution for COVID19 detection and research.

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COVID-19 AND CANCER: Supporting oncologists by providing free OncoKDM access

por OncoDNA

The COVID-19 situation has a major impact on oncological clinical routine practice with collateral effects on patient’s life, OncoDNA offers to labs and oncologists a free access to its Clinical Dec...

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