BCN HEALTH presents three communications in the congress ISPOR Europe based on retrospective claims database analysis for the identification of patients

by Asebio

The objectives of the study were to describe patient characteristics, calculate hospital incidence and mortality associated with Alzheimer's disease in Spain, and assess direct medical costs at hospit...

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BCN HEALTH has published 14 studies in 2020 assessing the incidence and costs of illness of different diseases in Spain

by Asebio

The company conducted retrospective studies based on records of patients diagnosed with the different diseases and treated in public and private hospitals in Spain between 2000 and 2017

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BCN HEALTH publica un estudio sobre la epidemiología, manejo y costes de los tumores neuroendocrinos en España

by Asebio

BCN HEALTH publica el estudio “Exploring the current status of neuroendocrine tumours: a population based analysis of epidemiology, management and use of resources” en la revista BMC Cancer, una r...

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