Flomics Investment opportunity

by Flomics Biotech SL

Flomics Biotech, a startup from the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) operating in the genomics and liquid biopsy fields is excited to announce the launch of its seed investment round of 500.0...

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A pilot study of the sequencing of the intestinal microbiota establishes the basis for the search of early detection markers of colon cancer

by Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge

In this pilot study, they used colon biopsies samples and feces samples from nine patients to compare two sequencing methods. It has been defined the appropriate bioinformatic analysis methods for thi...

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Ramon Salazar receives funding for a research project on colon cancer

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

His research work on colon cancer focuses on studying the circulating DNA in the tumor to identify the risk of persistent disease in stages 2 and 3. This project is carried out in collaboration with E...

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A new genetic marker accounts for up to 1.4% of cases of hereditary colon cancer

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

Researchers from the Hereditary Cancer group of the Oncobell Program of the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) - Hereditary Cancer Program of the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) hav...

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Olive skin as inhibitor of intestinal tumors

by Universitat de Barcelona

The good results regarding the inhibition of cell cycle in different tumor lines made place for the valorization of a new project which could be very interesting for food supplements on patients affec...

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A new genetic test improves and expands the detection of mutations that cause resistance to colon cancer treatments

by IMIM - Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques

The expansion of the genetic test allows the detection of newly identified mutations by a team of oncologists at Hospital del Mar and the IMIM.

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Liquid biopsy identifies mutations in colorectal cancer that go undetected in tissue biopsy

by Vall d’Hebron

The CORRECT study, published ahead of print online today in The Lancet Oncology, is one of the largest trials to date comparing data provided by liquid versus tissue biopsy in metastatic colorectal ca...

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Hospital del Mar: identifican cinco nuevas mutaciones genéticas del cáncer de colon que predicen si habrá resistencia el tratamiento quimioterápico más habitual

by IMIM - Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques

Las seis mutaciones identificadas por los oncólogos del Hospital del Mar sobre el gen EFGR, publicadas en la revista Clinical Cancer Research, tienen mecanismos de resistencia al fármaco cetuximab

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Antitumor agent improves survival of patients with treatment-resistant metastatic colorectal cancer

by Vall d’Hebron

The results of this trial, although modest in terms of benefit, are important since they offer these patients an alternative therapy against the advancement of their disease – whereas previously no ...

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Discovery of the genetic fingerprint of aggressive colon tumours

by IRB Barcelona - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica

A study published in Nature Genetics by researchers at IRB Barcelona explains the basis for the classification of colon tumours in good or bad prognosis by analysing the tissue surrounding the tumour ...

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Encontrados nuevos supresores tumorales del cáncer de colon entre la 'basura del genoma'

by CIMA - Centro de Investigación Médica Aplicada

Científicos del Centro de Investigación Médica Aplicada (CIMA) de la Universidad de Navarra han identificado unos genes no codificantes que permiten distinguir con gran sensibilidad las células ma...

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'Las células del colon tienen un seguro contra el cáncer'

by La Vanguardia

La hipótesis es que, según las variantes genéticas que tengamos en las regiones de control de la BMP, esta proteína puede funcionar de manera subóptima. Es como ir en un coche en el que los freno...

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