VHIO researchers demonstrate the utility of ultrasensitive liquid biopsy to predict and monitor response to immunotherapy


The ultrasensitive liquid biopsy technique applied in this work is based on the sequencing of the entire tumour genome from 138 patients and the monitoring of mutations in the blood. This approach ach...

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The search for a liquid biopsy for the early detection of pancreatic cancer summons top European experts in this tumor at the CNIO

by CNIO - Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas

The main focus of research is on early detection. Europe’s leading researchers in this tumor are working to diagnose pancreatic cancer years before symptoms appear, with a blood test.

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What research is being done in pancreatic cancer?

by Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica

The main areas of research at the bench focus on finding biomarkers for early detection of the disease, on understanding the molecular mechanisms of the tumor, and on strategies for combatting the dis...

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2022 ASCO Annual Meeting: the promise of novel antibody-drug conjugate sacituzumab govitecan and the policing of advanced/metastatic breast cancer by liquid biopsy


​Co-authored by VHIO investigators, primary results from the multicenter TROPiCS-02 study of novel antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) sacituzumab govitecan in patients with hormone receptor-positive/HER2...

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Liquid biopsy: the most sensitive and least invasive cancer analysis technique

by Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica

A study conducted at Hospital Clínic analysed the genetic profile of more than 300 patients with solid tumours using a liquid biopsy blood test, resulting in genomic alterations being detected in 90%...

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OncoDNA and Institut Curie test the clinical utility of personalized liquid biopsy in head and neck cancers

by OncoDNA

The OncoFOLLOW™ tests will help monitor disease progression in patients under treatment within the SCANDARE study

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Flomics Investment opportunity

by Flomics Biotech SL

Flomics Biotech, a startup from the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) operating in the genomics and liquid biopsy fields is excited to announce the launch of its seed investment round of 500.0...

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Liquid biopsy: ‘classifier’ of metastatic breast cancer subgroups


Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is a heterogeneous and highly complex disease for which there is a critical need to identify novel biomarkers towards more effectively and precisely guiding treatment de...

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Pangea Oncology, the first laboratory accredited in Spain to perform liquid biopsy for cancer treatment

by Parc Científic de Barcelona

Pangaea Oncology –located at the Dexeus University Hospital and associated company of PCB – has been the first laboratory to be accredited in Spain for the determination of oncological biomarkers ...

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Pangaea Oncology and Laboratorio Echevarne sign an agreement to develop liquid biopsy

by Parc Científic de Barcelona

Pangea Oncology –Associated Company at Barcelona Science Park– and Laboratorio Echevarne have signed an agreement to develop liquid biopsy for cancer diagnostics. This non-invasive test is able to...

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ecancer TV´s interview with Joan Seoane: driving discovery to more precisely characterize, track and treat glioblastoma

by Vall d’Hebron

More specifically, Joan underlines the potential of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as liquid biopsy for the early diagnosis, prognosis, therapeutic management, and the ´real time´ tracking of brain cance...

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Joan Seoane receives the Vanguardia de la Ciencia prize

by Vall d’Hebron

VHIO´s Joan Seoane, Director of Translational Research, ICREA Professor, and Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), has been selected out of the eight finalists as the 2016 recipi...

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