CNIC scientists identify the crucial role of the protein neuregulin-1 in heart development

by Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares - CNIC

Neuregulin-1 (Nrg1) plays an essential role in the transformation of the heart from its delicate primordial structure into the powerful beating mature organ

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Así cambia el cerebro preadolescente con la depresión

by Universidad de Jaén

Esta etapa de la vida, marcada por una transformación significativa tanto en el plano físico como emocional, es también un momento crítico en el desarrollo cerebral, el cual puede verse alterado s...

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Visualizan en 3D cómo el SARS-CoV-2 se replica en las células

by CSIC - Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

La utilización de diferentes técnicas de microscopía y tomografía, incluyendo el uso de la luz de sincrotrón, revela cómo cambian células pulmonares a lo largo de la infección en modelos de cu...

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Nace StereoDive Medical SL, spin-off de Galgo Medical, con el apoyo de Inveready

by StereoDive

Stereodive Medical es una empresa que nace con una sólida experiencia en el desarrollo de soluciones de software de post-procesado de imágenes. Creemos que aporta un producto innovador, StereoDiver,...

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Younger people are more vulnerable to the effects of cardiovascular risk associated with high blood cholesterol and hypertension

by Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares - CNIC

Atherosclerosis, previously believed to be an irreversible progressive disease, can be reversed if risk factors are contolled early enough

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Nanomol Technologies gets deeper in the development of artificial intelligence tools for the image analysis from electronic microscope images

by Nanomol Technologies

They had been explored the potential of advanced analysis of electron microscopy images, specifically Cryo-TEM images. The objective is to characterize with high accuracy the Critical Quality Attribut...

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The IIS La Fe integrates virtual biopsy into the field of pediatric oncology thanks to the PRIMAGE project

by Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe

This European project concludes with the integration of artificial intelligence into the realms of medical imaging and pediatric oncology. PRIMAGE has established a data repository with tools for the ...

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New artificial intelligence algorithms are developed to facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of cancerous tumours that are difficult to interpret clinically

by Universitat Politècnica de València

CLARIFY project, which is currently in its final months of execution and focuses specifically on three types of cancer: triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder canc...

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Los medios de comunicación de Córdoba, imagen de la campaña frente al cáncer de próstata

by Instituto Maimónides de Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba (IMIBIC)

Las revisiones rutinarias que se realizan en atención primaria ayudan al diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad, que permitirá emprender acciones para lograr su curación.

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IBEC engages in two public-private partnerships for biomedical breakthroughs

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

Initiatives seek to advance remote health monitoring, create an oral drug for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and enhance 13C magnetic resonance imaging for therapeutic research. Leveraging cutting-edge t...

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Frenar el deterioro de la sustancia blanca del cerebro puede reducir la recaída en pacientes que consumen alcohol

by Agencia Sinc

El consumo crónico de este tipo de bebidas produce alteraciones en la microestructura cerebral que son notables en la sustancia blanca y que progresan incluso durante la abstinencia. Investigadores d...

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Innovation in Mental Health

by GENESIS Biomed

Innovation has enabled breakthroughs such as recent drugs for Alzheimer’s disease, the use of devices that stimulate brain function for the treatment of certain pathologies or Virtual Reality for po...

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