Expertos de la Sociedad Nacional de Asesores Genéticos de EE.UU. han publicado una guía de práctica clínica sobre asesoramiento genético en epilepsias.
Read moreAvoiding tobacco use, leading a healthy lifestyle, protecting yourself from the sun and vaccination against infection by certain viruses are some factors that can reduce the risk of developing cancer....
Read moreA colonoscopy is a test for the prevention and detection of colorectal cancer but also evaluates symptoms such as bleeding or chronic diarrhoea. It consists of introducing a thin flexible tube about t...
Read moreSe ha trabajado en la creación de un sistema de palpación de la próstata que transforma en objetiva, reproducible y útil la información recogida durante la exploración. El dispositivo permite ge...
Read moreTo generate the new models a fresh biopsy of the original tumor was implanted into the same mouse tissue. This perfectly reproduces the original morphological and molecular characteristics, and theref...
Read moreIt's a device thatprovides an innovative solution for the non-invasive diagnosis of meningitis. This method is faster, less expensive and overcomes many of the limitations of the current standard tech...
Read moreInvestigadores de la Facultad de Medicina del Hospital Monte Sinaí de Nueva York han identificado una firma de 35 genes cuya expresión génica podría ser utilizada como biomarcador para diagnostic...
Read moreThe UPV/EHU's Microfluidics Cluster has used a custom-made resin formulation coupled with a high-resolution 3D printing methodology for the rapid optimisation of modular plasma separation devices work...
Read moreA study by the hospital Clínic Barcelona-IDIBAPS, published in the journal Neurology, confirms the usefulness of a blood-based biomarker to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease without the need for more in...
Read moreLa braquiterapia de mama está indicada, sobre todo, para casos de cáncer de mama en los que el tumor no es muy grande y en los que no hay afectación de los ganglios linfáticos.
Read moreArtificial intelligence (AI) is constantly bringing improvements to the field of medical devices, with AI technology being embedded in software used as a medical device or being a medical device by it...
Read moreISGlobal leads a 1 million euros EU-funded action grant to increase viral hepatitis testing, vaccination, and linkage to care among migrant and refugee populations in Greece, Italy and Spain
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