El Instituto de Física Corpuscular (CSIC-Universitat de València) será la sede de un inyector del primer acelerador lineal compacto de iones de España, que realizará estudios de radiobiología
Read moreWith this latest acquisition of 1 GHz equipment, the CIC bioGUNE NMR facilities are now among the most advanced in southern Europe, highlighting the capacity of the research centre to lead research in...
Read moreAccording to the operations identified in BioRegion of Catalonia 2023 report, of the total capital invested in 2023 in the BioRegion (€220 M), nearly 40% (€85.4 M) was concentrated in the Barcelon...
Read moreAlfa Laval PureBallast 3 Ultra is the latest ballast water management system (BWMS) built on proven PureBallast 3 technology. The system brings new advantages to the market’s most efficient UV treat...
Read moreHan demostrado que la suplementación de una fórmula infantil con un simbiótico y la proteína osteopontina promueve una mejora en la maduración de la microbiota y tiene un impacto positivo en la e...
Read moreLa biotecnológica Endor Technologies, con sede en el Parque Científico de Barcelona, ha realizado un donativo de 67.120 € euros al SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona (PCBB) del Hospital Sant Jo...
Read moreEsta implantación sitúa a España como uno de los países europeos con mayor potencial de producción en un momento en el que los medicamentos han demostrado ser un bien estratégico y de seguridad ...
Read moreThe move is the first step in setting up the future Campus Clínic of Barcelona on Avinguda Diagonal, which will have more than 290,000 square metres given over to healthcare, teaching and health rese...
Read moreINBRAIN Neuroelectronics has announced the first cortical interface procedure in humans in a patient undergoing brain tumor resection.
Read moreThe company will use this new capital to accelerate the clinical testing and market launch of its first product, HyperSperm, a revolutionary sperm-focused assisted reproduction technique.
Read moreThis 2023 has been a great year in terms of funding received by the public research institutes, centres and groups at the Barcelona Science Park, which mobilised 69.9 million euros, of which 57.1 mill...
Read moreEl equipo ha descubierto que estos pacientes presentan la mutación genética CCR5Δ32, una menor activación del sistema inmunitario, y niveles reducidos de marcadores asociados a las alteraciones de...
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