European Biotechnology Life Science and Industry Magazine published the article “A pioneering real AI drug discovery technology” describing the approach of SOM Biotech.

The current COVID-19 pandemic situation has shown that repurposing drugs can be crucial for delivering new treatments to patients with agility. Existing drugs can be developed to bring fast, safe and cost-effective treatments for a wide range of conditions. The improved use of data and the development of advanced AI-based technologies enable the fast and effective identification of drugs, accelerating drug discovery, repurposing, and innovation.

The rapid growth of computing power, data availability, and the development of advanced genetic algorithms have led to very relevant breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI). Presently, AI applications are used for a wide range of fields in the life sciences sector. But moreover, AI is revolutionizing drug discovery and especially drug repurposing. SOM Biotech works with a proprietary ligand-based in-silico platform, SOMAI PRO, that has proven to be an outstanding tool to successfully identify drugs with similar or better biological activity compared to a reference compound acting on a disease-related target.

You can find a pdf document of the complete article “A pioneering real AI drug discovery technology” by clicking this link.

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