Artificial intelligence will not replace spermatologists


Although artificial intelligence (A.I.) has experienced rapid growth over the past few years, the term A.I. was first coined by John McCarthy (1) in 1955. A.I. is defined as the ability of machines to...

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La Vanguardia published a press release: 'The future of biotechnology: lower-cost treatments in a short period of time'

por Som Biotech

SOM Bio​tech has designed a computational Artificial Intelligence-based method to analyze molecular structures and select the best option after performing more than 2.5 million comparisons in each p...

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Updates on the Ongoing guidance development within MDCG Subgroups

por Asphalion

Now that the year is about to come to an end, the European Commission has updated the information on the MDCG’s work in progress, indicating the planning for the endorsement of the guidance document...

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AI for biopharmaceutical production – Sartorius a new shareholder in DFKI, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence

por Sartorius Stedim Spain

Sartorius has joined the group of shareholders of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). The Göttingen-based life science group and DFKI have already been working together for...

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Asabys invests in Israeli MedTech firm Medasense

por CataloniaBio

Asabys Partners, a venture capital firm and member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, has participated in Medasense Biometrics Ltd’s €15.2-million Series C round of funding along with investors such as...

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Asphalion attended the online session 'Improving Human Health Through Artificial Intelligence'

por Asphalion

Rainer Rothe, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs Officer at Asphalion, attended the online session “Improving Human Health Through Artificial Intelligence” organised by CataloniaBio & HealthTech in...

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