Recombination suppression in heterozygotes for a pericentric inversion induces the interchromosomal effect on crossovers in Arabidopsis

por Sequentia Biotech SL

During meiosis, recombination ensures allelic exchanges through crossovers (COs) between the homologous chromosomes.

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Artificial systems imitate how cells move and communicate

por IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

A review published in the scientific journal Small elegantly summarises the most important cellular biomimicry research of the past few years on synthetic soft-architectures, with a view to inspiring ...

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The CBGP gets a grant to acquire new equipment for its Systems Biology and Modelling Lab (SysBioM)

por Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas CBGP

CBGP (UPM-INIA) has received recently a competitive grant from the Spanish Research Agency/Ministry of Science and Innovation for setting-up a new scientific infrastructure, the Systems Biology and Bi...

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Multi-targeted CRISPR-based genome engineering has been used to successfully generate adoptive anti-cancer T cells

por OncoDNA

Most cancers are recognized and attacked by the immune system but can progress owing to tumor-mediated immunosuppression and immune evasion mechanisms.

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'Blobs' inside cells could be key to neurodegenerative diseases

por Centre for Genomic Regulation

Liquid droplets of molecules inside cells – similar to the blobs that form when oil and vinegar are mixed – could be behind neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s and motor neurone dis...

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