3P Biopharmaceuticals (3P), organización líder especializada en el desarrollo de procesos cGMP y fabricación de medicamentos biológicos (CDMO) estrena su tercera instalación en el polígono Mocho...
3P Biopharmaceuticals (3P), a leading contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) specializing in process development and cGMP manufacturing for biological products complements its exis...
3P Bio will focus on the transfer of the production process as well as the cGMP manufacturing of the drug substance to be used in Phase I and II clinical trials. The novel drug could cure neurodegene...
3P Biopharmaceuticals (3P), organización líder especializada en el desarrollo de procesos cGMP y fabricación de productos biológicos (CDMO) ha sido seleccionada como una de las 100 mejores empresa...
3P Biopharmaceuticals (3P), a leading organization specializing in the development of cGMP processes and manufacturing of biological products (CDMO) appoints a new member as head of quality control.