3P Biopharmaceuticals avanza en su plan de expansión y adecuación de sus instalaciones


3P Biopharmaceuticals (3P), organización líder especializada en el desarrollo de procesos cGMP y fabricación de medicamentos biológicos (CDMO) estrena su tercera instalación en el polígono Mocho...

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3P Biopharmaceuticals increases its microbial production capacity with the installation of a 500 L fermenter


3P Biopharmaceuticals (3P), a leading contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) specializing in process development and cGMP manufacturing for biological products complements its exis...

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BrainEver and 3P Biopharmaceuticals collaborate on development of recombinant human homeoprotein Engrailed-1


3P Bio will focus on the transfer of the production process as well as the cGMP manufacturing of the drug substance to be used in Phase I and II clinical trials. The novel drug could cure neurodegene...

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3P Biopharmaceuticals entre las 100 mejores empresas para trabajar en España


3P Biopharmaceuticals (3P), organización líder especializada en el desarrollo de procesos cGMP y fabricación de productos biológicos (CDMO) ha sido seleccionada como una de las 100 mejores empresa...

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3P Biopharmaceuticals appoints Kenneth McMahon as Head of Quality Control


3P Biopharmaceuticals (3P), a leading organization specializing in the development of cGMP processes and manufacturing of biological products (CDMO) appoints a new member as head of quality control.

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