Experimental and computational synergy – Promising COVID-19 result in immunology

by CIC bioGUNE

An international collaboration between researchers from, the Centre for Cooperative Research in Biosciences (CIC bioGUNE, Bilbao), the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) and the Departme...

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URJC researchers manage to advance knowledge of asymptomatic malaria

by Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Two professors from the Faculty of Health Sciences have participated in an investigation that has revealed two proteins of the parasite that stimulate the immune response against it in infected pe

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Boehringer acquires Northern Biologics preclinical oncology pipeline

by CataloniaBio

Boehringer Ingelhe​im has acquired two preclinical antibodies from Canadian firm Nor​thern Biologics with the aim of further strengthening its global position in cancer immunology.

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