Eugin Group leads €3.5-million project to improve embryo implantation, a factor associated with over 30% of failed pregnancies

by Parc Científic de Barcelona

A key aim of this initiative is to train the next generation of leading researchers in reproductive science, equipping them with the skills needed to revolutionise the scientific and clinical approach...

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We could hit a new milestone in the treatment of infertility

by GENESIS Biomed

Agnès Arbat and Ignasi Canals lead Oxolife, a startup that is developing OXO-001, a drug with the potential to treat female infertility as it increases the chances of embryo implantation a 65%. Arba...

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BigH1—the key histone for male fertility

by IRB Barcelona - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica

Researchers at IRB Barcelona unravel the role of the histone BigH1 in the development of male sex cells from stem cells. The study, which was performed in Drosophila melanogaster, paves the way to a ...

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Opioids regulate spermatozoon formation

by Universidad del País Vasco

A piece of research led by the UPV/EHU doctor Nerea Subirán has for the first time described the presence of opioids in the cells involved in the formation of spermatozoa. The work has been published...

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Un exceso de colesterol en los ovocitos causa infertilidad en ratonas

by Agencia Sinc

“Entender mejor la infertilidad humana es clave a la hora de desarrollar nuevos tratamientos”, afirman los investigadores

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