Diseñan nuevos nanodispositivos de liberación controlada de fármacos para terapias contra el cáncer de mama


La principal novedad de los nanodispositivos diseñados es que la molécula que recubre el nanodispositivo no sólo controla cuándo se libera el fármaco que transporta, sino que también controla d...

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La investigadora María Vallet recibe una Advanced Grant


La catedrática María Vallet, líder mundial en el desarrollo de nanopartícuas de sílice mesoporosa para aplicaciones médicas, presentó su solicitud junto a otras 2.000 candidaturas. El jurado in...

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PROduction, control and Demonstration of structured hybrid nanoporous materials for Industrial adsorption Applications 'ProDIA'

by ICN2 Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología

The ICN2 Supramoleuclar NanoChemistry & Materials Group, led by ICREA Research Prof. Daniel Maspoch, will contribute to the European collaborative ProDIA project. It aims to accelerate the industriali...

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Primera edición del Festival de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología 10ALAMENOS9

by Universitat de Barcelona

El encuentro, coordinado desde la Universidad de Barcelona en el marco del proyecto NanoDivulga, tendrá lugar en diferentes espacios.

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Consiguen crear regiones altamente concentradas en polaritones

by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Científicos internacionales descubren la creación ultraveloz de regiones de alta concentración de cuasi-partículas o polaritones mediante la excitación con impulsos láser.

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Nueva etapa del Instituto de Microelectrónica (US-CSIC)

by Universidad de Sevilla

El CSIC y la Universidad de Sevilla han aprobado la transformación del Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla (IMSE) en centro mixto de ambas Instituciones. El Instituto, que junto a sus homólogo...

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Dr. Javier Saiz Poseu receives the UAB Extraordinari Award for his doctoral thesis at ICN2

by ICN2 Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología

The UAB doctorate Extraordinary Awards will be announced today during the ceremony organised by the UAB Doctorate Program and Alumni. Dr. Javier Saiz Poseu is among the awarded doctorates from the UAB...

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Scientists observe the response of the cellular membrane to the presence of embedded nanotubes

by Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials

Researchers from CiQUS and Oxford publish in ACS Nano the conclusions of a work that analyzes the behaviour of the cellular membrane in presence of embedded nanotubes, using different supercomputatio...

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Immobilization of an industrial enzyme on nanonets derived from a plant virus

by Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas CBGP

In the present development the lipase B from Candida antarctica has been covalently immobilized on a scaffold formed by viral nanoparticles derived from a potyvirus. The specific activity of the nanoi...

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The Graphene Flagship announces a new Work Package to design 2D-materials-based Biomedical Technologies

by Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica

The new Work Package will focus on the development ofimplants based on graphene and 2D-materialsthat have therapeutic functionalities for specific clinical outcomes, in disciplines such as neurology, ...

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Ultra-long, one-dimensional carbon chains are synthesised for the first time

by Universidad del País Vasco

In a study, in which researchers in the UPV/EHU's Nano-Bio Spectroscopy Group led by Ángel Rubio have participated, a new route has been developed to produce carbyne (infinitely long carbon chains wh...

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Dr. Schwartz Jr participates in a European nanomedicine project for pancreatic cancer

by Vall d’Hebron

The research comes as the results of an earlier European study which showed in animal models the efficacy of a therapeutic nanoconjugate against pancreatic cancer. Based on these results, the research...

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