A novel and clinically validated optical biosensor enables rapid and quantitative serological testing of COVID-19

by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

An innovative nano-biosensor for fast, quantitative and accurate COVID-19 serology, which achieves the high reliability of specialised laboratory analysis with the short times and simplicity of rapid ...

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Desarrollan una nueva técnica de Nanomedicina para la cicatrización de las úlceras crónicas

by Fundación Jiménez Díaz

Científicos de la Cátedra de Investigación de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), del Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) y del Instituto de In...

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Un proyecto del CSIC aplicará nanoanticuerpos para combatir las infecciones por hongos que sufren los niños con cáncer

by CSIC - Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Un equipo de investigadores del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) estudiará el uso de nanoanticuerpos y células derivadas de macrófagos como inmunoterapia para combatir las in...

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UA develops a new family of catalysts that significantly improves several chemical processes

by Universidad de Alicante

The University of Alicante Molecular Nanotechnology Lab (NANOMOL) has developed a new family of catalysts with tailor-made properties that can be manufactured with the ideal features for every chemica...

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Desarrollan lanzaderas inteligentes para destruir células tumorales desde su interior mediante calor y sin fármacos

by Universidad de Zaragoza

Científicos aragoneses introducen nanopartículas huecas de oro en unas minúsculas vesículas (exosomas), a modo de caballo de Troya, que al alcanzar áreas tumorales se calientan con un láser, pro...

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Vall d’Hebron enrolls the first patient in a clinical trial designed to treat locally advanced pancreatic cancer with nanoparticles


The Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) has enrolled the first patient in the NoCanTher project’s clinical trial, representing an important step in bringing in nano-driven therapeutics as n...

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'Translating' nanoparticles for biomedical applications

by Universitat Politècnica de València

For the first time, a team from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and the Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine Networking Biomedical Research Centre (CIBER-BBN) has demonstrated...

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New mechanism to transfer chirality between molecules in the nanoscale field

by Universitat de Barcelona

Now, a new article published in the journal Nature Communications reveals a new mechanism to transfer the chirality between molecules in the nanoscale field, according to a study led by the UB lecture...

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A new treatment reduces inflammation in multiple sclerosis mice models

by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

A team led by the Institut de Neurociències at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (INc-UAB) managed to reduce chronic inflammation associated with multiple sclerosis in mice thanks to the adminis...

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Researchers design nanochips that penetrate inside cells as mechanical drugs

by CSIC - Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

A research team put devices of 50 nanometre-thick —one thousandth of a hair’s part— inside living cells in order to find their division process and alter it, and even destroy cells. The new stud...

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New advance in porous nanoparticles for drug delivery

by Centro Singular de Investigación en Química Biológica y Materiales Moleculares

The research group BioNanoTools of CiQUS of USC led by Beatriz Pelaz and Pablo del Pino, has just published a paper in the journal Nanoscale that advances in injectable drug delivery systems. The arti...

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Nanorobots to fight bacterial infections

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

Researchers develop self-contained micro- and nanorobots with antimicrobial activity, capable of attacking bacteria in the site of infection. The work has been led by Samuel Sánchez (Institute for Bi...

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