Fighting the most aggressive pancreatic tumour

by Universitat de Barcelona

"Towards an early diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer" is the title of the project led by the researcher Elisa Espinet, member of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University...

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MiMARK Diagnostics, S.L. successfully Closes First Seed Round with €4.22 Million to Impact on Gynecological Diagnostics

by MiMARK Diagnostics

MiMARK Diagnostics, S.L. a pioneering femtech spin-off from the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), has successfully raised €4.22 million as seed round stage. The substantial investment will dr...

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Desarrollan un nuevo antiinflamatorio no esteroideo y regulador inmunitario que puede sustituir a los corticoides

by CSIC - Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

El compuesto, creado por un equipo liderado por el CSIC y la UPV, es capaz de inhibir la tormenta de citoquinas asociada a la inflamación grave conservando la inmunidad innata

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Research from Lleida concludes the need to seek personalised treatments to treat chronic pain in fibromyalgia patients

by IRB Lleida. Institut de Recerca Biomèdica

Pain reduction is an unmet need and a source of frustration for people with fibromyalgia according to research led by the University of Lleida and IRBLleida

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Study identifies a key protein for healthy ageing

by Universitat de Barcelona

The CD300f receptor is a protein expressed by immune system cells that modulates cell metabolism and inflammation. This study reveals the first evidence of its role in the processes related to ageing ...

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Spanish scientists discover a promising therapeutic target for cardiac arrhythmias

by Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares - CNIC

The CNIC team discovered a connection between the development of ventricular fibrillation and the activation of two key signaling proteins, the p38γ and p38δ stress kinases, and this discovery open...

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ALLOX, a new Centre for Genomic Regulation spin-off, is launched with the support of Asabys

by Asabys Partners

ALLOX, a techbio company developing a proprietary technology to design new drugs targeting allosteric sites within oncology and other diseases, announces its incorporation today, as well as the succes...

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Describen cómo la información sensorial se transmite entre los hemisferios del cerebro

by CSIC - Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Un estudio del Instituto de Neurociencias (CSIC-UMH) ha detallado por primera vez el ‘efecto espejo’ que permite a ambos hemisferios procesar la información sensorial de forma continua y actuar c...

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ORYZON awarded with a grant for ORY-4001 from the ALS Association in the U.S

by Oryzon Genomics

The Association has awarded Oryzon a 498,690 USD grant through its Lawrence and Isabel Barnett Drug Development Program to support the regulatory preclinical development of ORY-4001, a highly selectiv...

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El IIS La Fe lanza una spin-off para comercializar y explotar un dispositivo eficaz y preciso en el cribado de cáncer de próstata

by Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe

El Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe (IIS La Fe) ha lanzado una spin-off para desarrollar un dispositivo llamado Prostacto que permitirá mejorar el cribado del cáncer de próstata.

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Una nueva estrategia de viroterapia abre el camino a tratar metástasis en la cavidad abdominal

by CIMA - Centro de Investigación Médica Aplicada

Investigadores del Cima Universidad de Navarra desarrollan un tratamiento preclínico más efectivo y seguro para combatir tumores avanzados de ovario, colon y estómago

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Iron accumulation: a new insight into fibrotic diseases

by IRB Barcelona - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica

Researchers at IRB Barcelona reveal the pivotal role of iron accumulation in the development of fibrotic diseases and propose that iron detection via MRI can serve to diagnose fibrosis.

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