The Gregorio Marañón Hospital creates a spin-off to market the drug that protects the kidney

by GENESIS Biomed

The Cilastatin project arose thanks to the research carried out by the deceased Dr. Alberto Tejedor, who was Nephrology Service section chief at the Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital and ...

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VHIO is participating prominently in a study that seeks to evaluate the efficacy of a novel combination therapy in advanced pancreatic cancer

by Vall d’Hebron

The biopharmaceutical company Ability Pharmaceuticals, SL today announced the inclusion of the first patients in a phase 2b clinical trial with its novel autophagy-inducer anticancer compound ABTL0812...

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AROMICS among the top 40 companies to invest in Europe


​InvestHorizon is a programme financed by the European Commission, in association with Eureka, to facilitate series A funding for selected deep tech companies boosting their investment readiness and...

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Descubren una conexión entre senescencia y células madre provocada por una proteína iniciadora del cáncer de mama

by CNIO - Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas

El diagnóstico precoz y la mejora de los tratamientos del cáncer de mama han permitido disminuir su mortalidad en los últimos años, llegándose a situar los índices de supervivencia en el 85% a d...

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AMUNT impulsa la investigación de INCLIVA en cáncer de ovario, cáncer de cabeza y cuello y biopsia líquida


​Amunt Contra el Cáncer ha firmado un convenio de colaboración con el Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria INCLIVA, del Hospital Clínico de Valencia, en virtud del cual esta asociación, de mome...

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Ysios Capital closes its third fund at €216 million ($260 million)

by Ysios Capital

​Ysios Capital, Spain’s largest and leading European venture capital firm specialised in the biotechnology sector, announces today that it has closed its third fund, Ysios BioFund III (YBF III) at...

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Dr. Alejo Rodriguez-Fraticelli receives the CRIS Programme of Excellence

by IRB Barcelona - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica

​Given by the CRIS Cancer Foundation, this award seeks to promote and consolidate the careers of outstanding researchers in Spain by providing a grant of €1,250,000 per candidate over 5 years.

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Arranca el primer ensayo clínico en España con una innovadora terapia celular contra el cáncer


El tratamiento se basa en las llamadas células TIL (Tumour-infiltrating Lymphocytes), linfocitos (células inmunitarias) que reconocen neoantígenos, es decir, células que se encuentran en el tumor ...

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BCN Health Booster accelerator is launched to step up life sciences and healthcare emerging companies

by Parc Científic de Barcelona

​The Barcelona Science Park from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), and the Barcelona City Council are launching BCN Health Booster, an acceleration programme to boost start-ups with an innovative h...

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Galacteum comienza una nueva etapa impulsando proyectos rentables y sostenibles desde el punto de vista ambiental y económico

by Bioga Clúster Tecnológico Empresarial Das Ciencias da Vida

El director general de Galacteum asegura que, tras fuertes inversiones, la compañía prevé entrar en beneficios este año.

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DBGen awarded an EASI-Genomics grant for innovative long-read sequencing of inherited retinal dystrophies

by DBGen Ocular Genomics

​The Transnational Access Committee of the European Advanced infraStructure for Innovative Genomics (EASI-Genomics) has selected the project PID15251 submitted by DBGen Ocular Genomics in the third ...

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4 health innovations you can’t miss at 4YFN

by Biocat

Here is a small sample of the news of the last year of some of the startups of the BioRegion that, in some cases, will be presented during the event. Don't miss them!

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