Webinar: 10 cosas importantes para un sistema CASA – 20 de octubre


​Microptic organiza un nuevo seminario online gratuito el día 20 de octubre: 10 cosas importantes que debe saber antes de elegir un sistema CASA.

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Webinar 'UNRAVELING THE SARS-CoV-2: One year later'

por Instituto de Investigación Marqués de Valdecilla

El lunes 13 de diciembre, la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica (SEIMC) y la Sociedad Americana de Microbiología han organizado el webinar “UNRAVELING THE SARS...

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Webinar: Estudio funcional del semen – 1 de julio


Microptic organiza un nuevo webinar gratuito el día 1 de julio, durante el congreso ESHRE: ¿Los estudios funcionales de los espermatozoides nos informan sobre la posible fertilidad en humanos?

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Webinar 'Microbiology evolution: future challenges'

por Instituto de Investigación Marqués de Valdecilla

El próximo día 10 de mayo, la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clínica (SEIMC) y la Sociedad Americana de Microbiología han organizado el webinar “Microbiology evol...

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Webinar: Análisis en seguridad alimentaria (II): Necesidades actuales y nuevos retos, Shimadzu

por Izasa Scientific S.L.U

Tras el éxito del primer webinar organizado por Izasa Scientific sobre Seguridad Alimentaria, os informamos que el próximo 25 de febrero va a celebrarse la segunda sesión con presentaciones aplicat...

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Avoiding Costly IP Missteps: Insights for high-quality due diligence searches

por CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society

As chemical and life science companies seeking to monetize their IP portfolios emerge from the challenges of COVID-19, 2021 looks to be a year that will see increased product licensing, acquisitions a...

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SciFindern - Back to Basics

por CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society

SciFindern was developed to help scientists get to the most relevant information faster. In this webinar we will review the ways this is done. We will also review setting up broader exploratory text s...

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Next Stop, the Clinic - Preparing your new Drug for Clinical Research with SciFindern and Formulus®

por CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society

Things are going well for your latest drug molecule - it seems efficacious, you have assessed potential toxicity, and even determined a safe starting dose, and now you are ready to move to the clinic...

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Medical Device Software Industry – Germany, pioneer in Healthcare App insured prescription

por Asphalion

By adopting the Digital Healthcare Act (DVG) (October 5th, 2019), Germany became a pioneer in Healthcare App insured prescription, marking one of the greatest milestones for the Medical Device Softwar...

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Analyze This - Leveraging the analytical literature using SciFindern and MethodsNow

por CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society

Analytical techniques have become more advanced, allowing scientists to detect ever smaller quantities of impurities, contaminants, and other compounds in an expansive variety of matrices such as soil...

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WEBINAR | Are you ready for the IVDR? Regulatory impact and milestones for CE marking

por Asphalion

Next month, Dominique Monferrer will hold a webinar aimed to help manufacturers of in vitro diagnostic medical devices to understand the impact of the new In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR), the mo...

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Webinar OncoDNA-BioSequence Oncología de Precisión: de la básica molecular a la traslación clínica

por OncoDNA

OncoDNA-BioSequence te invita al seminario online ‘Oncología de Precisión: de la básica molecular a la traslación clínica’, que impartirá el Dr. Jesús García-Foncillas, oncólogo médico,...

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