Senescence alters how cells perceive signals from their environment

by IRB Barcelona - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica

It has been discovered a new feature of senescent cells that makes them more “visible” to the immune system: a rewired capacity to sense extracellular signals, such as interferon, that enhances th...

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Results of pharmacokinetic analysus show Omomyc mini-protein maintains its structural integrity in tumor tissue for at least 72 hours following administration


VHIO and Peptomyc researchers have carried out a pharmacokinetic analysis that demonstrates that the Omomyc protein persists stably in tumor tissue for longer than in blood. The maintenance of the str...

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El análisis genético identifica personas en riesgo a desarrollar cáncer medular de tiroides

by Revista Genética Médica

Un reciente estudio de la institución Geisinger plantea que el análisis del gen RET en población general puede detectar a personas con elevado riesgo a desarrollar cáncer medular de tiroides. Los ...

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Descifran cómo la bacteria causante del 30% de las neumonías extrahospitalarias consigue obtener lípidos para sobrevivir

by Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau

Han identificado la proteína con la cual la bacteria M.pneumoniae atrapa el colesterol y otros lípidos que necesita para mantener la integridad de su membrana y poder sobrevivir.

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Nutrición y sistema inmune

by Labo'Life

Nutrientes individuales como la fibra o las grasas; patrones de alimentación como la dieta antiinflamatoria o la dieta occidental por ejemplo, van a influir en parámetros del sistema inmunológico a...

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Presentado el primer estudio retrospectivo de base poblacional que analiza la incidencia de la Demencia Frontotemporal en Europa

by Biodonostia

Han participado en un estudio retrospectivo de base poblacional para analizar la incidencia de la Demencia Frontotemporal (DFT) en Europa. El trabajo publicado en JAMA Neurology se ha realizado en tre...

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Un equipo de investigación de la UA descubre la relación entre ciertos biomarcadores y la alteración del metabolismo en pacientes COVID

by Universidad de Alicante

Han descubierto que la presencia de ciertos biomarcadores en la orina de pacientes con COVID tiene como consecuencia la alteración de su metabolismo, provocando en el organismo una situación muy sim...

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ibs.GRANADA researchers demonstrate that Personalized Medicine reduces adverse drug reactions

by Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria - Ibs Granada

It has been evaluated the utility of using genetic information to personalize the prescription of medicines in the context of several medical fields, demonstrating that patients whose doses are adjust...

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Certain Chemical Pollutants in the Environment Increase the Risk of Developing COVID-19

by ISGlobal - Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona

Is the first prospective analysis of pre-pandemic data on pollutants in healthy people. The findings provide a possible new explanation for the large differences in susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infect...

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UPF research advances the way for the brain to be able to control devices in real time

by UPF - Universitat Pompeu Fabra

One of the main current challenges in neuroscience is the identification of brain signals which are robust enough to control devices in real time. In this regard, UPF researchers make major contributi...

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Researchers identify new molecular mechanism key to planarian regeneration

by Universitat de Barcelona

Researchers have studied the regeneration process of these animals and have identified how the modulation of the intercellular signalling pathway Wnt modifies chromatin, the set of genetic material th...

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Seasonal and circadian genetic variation charted across the human body

by Centre for Genomic Regulation

A research team led by Dr. Manuel Irimia and Dr. Roderic Guigó at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona have published research in PLOS Biology which details how the circadian and circ...

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