ibs.GRANADA researchers demonstrate that Personalized Medicine reduces adverse drug reactions

by Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria - Ibs Granada

It has been evaluated the utility of using genetic information to personalize the prescription of medicines in the context of several medical fields, demonstrating that patients whose doses are adjust...

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ORYZON Reports Results for Quarter Ended September 30, 2020 and Provides Corporate Update

by Oryzon Genomics

Oryzon Genomics, S.A. (ISIN Code: ES0167733015, ORY), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company leveraging epigenetics to develop therapies in diseases with strong unmet medical need, today reported ...

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Alliance between the IMIM and Chemotargets to accelerate the design of new cancer therapies

by Parc Científic de Barcelona

The company Chemotargets –based in the Barcelona Science Park and a leader in in the global market as a provider of intelligence and drug design prediction platform– has signed a strategic agreeme...

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A third of the world’s population carries mutations associated with retinal dystrophies

by DBGen Ocular Genomics

​A very recent​ study published in the scientific journal PNAS highlights an estimate, on a global scale, of the frequency of individuals carrying pathogenic mutations responsible for inherited re...

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An IDIBELL study offers new possibilities for personalized medicine to treat a prevalent type of liver cancer

by Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge

Results show that in order to treat patients efficiently, it is necessary to know the specific molecular characteristics of their cancer, such as TGF-β and EGF receptor expression levels

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bioXclusters+, selected by European Commission to continue bioXclusters project focusing on personalized medicine

by Biocat

The project brings together several strategic European clusters and will focus on internationalization of SMEs in those areas

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