DRUG RESISTANCE: In vitro preclinical studies identified BRCA2 amplification as a potential mechanism of PARP inhibitor resistance in BRCA2 mutant cancer cell lines

by OncoDNA

Amplification of the mutation-carrying BRCA2 allele promotes RAD51 loading and PARP inhibitor resistance in the absence of reversion mutations.

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Scientists confirm the validity of current techniques for predicting resistance to treatment in metastatic colorectal cancer

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

Researchers from IDIBELL and ICO show that current mutational analysis techniques are sufficiently sensitive to predict resistance to treatment with EGFR inhibitors in metastatic colorectal cancer

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Recompensa millonaria a quien derrote a las bacterias superresistentes

by Agencia Sinc

Las bacterias resistentes se multiplicarán, transmitirán esa ventaja evolutiva a sus descendientes y darán lugar a grupos de microorganismos contra los que el antibiótico se vuelve inútil

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