Prevalence of Pathogenic Variants in Cancer Susceptibility Genes Among Women With Postmenopausal Breast Cancer

by OncoDNA

Germline genetic testing for pathogenic variants (PVs) in cancer susceptibility genes after breast cancer diagnosis may inform cancer treatment, prevention, and testing of relatives.

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DRUG RESISTANCE: In vitro preclinical studies identified BRCA2 amplification as a potential mechanism of PARP inhibitor resistance in BRCA2 mutant cancer cell lines

by OncoDNA

Amplification of the mutation-carrying BRCA2 allele promotes RAD51 loading and PARP inhibitor resistance in the absence of reversion mutations.

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OncoDNA adds the analysis of germinal DNA, a crucial marker in the management of ovarian, prostate, pancreas and triple-negative breast cancers

by OncoDNA

OncoDNA adds the analysis of germinal DNA, a crucial marker in the management of ovarian, prostate, pancreas and triple-negative breast cancers

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Possible marker of treatment resistance in HER2 breast cancer identified

by UPF - Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Ageing of NK lymphocytes (Natural killer cells) in HER2-positive breast cancer patients can predict the success or failure of targeted treatments.

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