New therapeutic approaches for hypertension through TRPV2 proteins

by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

Researchers at the UAB have carried out two revealing studies on TRPV2, a key ion channel in several cellular functions, which points to it as a possible new therapeutic target in the treatment of hyp...

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Mineralys Therapeutics Further Defines Endotype-Specific, Targeted Approach to Treatment of Uncontrolled or Resistant Hypertension with Lorundrostat Data at AHA Scientific Sessions 2023

by Ysios Capital

Mineralys Therapeutics today presented data from the Target-HTN Phase 2 trial that further defines an endotype-specific targeted approach for treating uncontrolled or resistant hypertension with lorun...

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Las personas obesas expuestas a ciertos contaminantes tienen el doble de riesgo de desarrollar hipertensión, según un estudio

by Universidad de Granada

Una investigación liderada por la Universidad de Granada y el Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria ibs.Granada asegura que esta relación es independiente de otros factores como la edad y el cons...

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