NEOS Surgery receives €1.9 million from the European Innovation Council to improve herniated disc treatment

by CataloniaBio

NEOS Surgery, a medical technology company and CataloniaBio & HealthTech member, has been received an outright grant for €1.9 million from the leading European programme for funding innovative SMEs,...

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La inversión en las 'startups' catalanas de salud alcanza los 120 millones y supera ya el récord de 2019

by Biocat

El capital riesgo con participación internacional se incrementa un 67,1% y se erige como motor principal del crecimiento, según el Informe de la BioRegión 2020 - Retos en adelante, presentado por B...

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NEOS Surgery finalises €5-million operation with Avançsa joining its shareholders

by NEOS Surgery

NEOS Surgery, a company that researches, develops and markets implantable surgical devices for brain, spinal and cardiothoracic surgeries, has closed a €5-million funding operation, with Avançsa an...

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Cranial LOOP: the 2nd generation has arrived

by NEOS Surgery

Cranial LOOP's performance has been optimized to guarantee the strong fixation of bone flaps though the craniotomy gap and minimize the amount of implanted material, particularly in the epidural regio...

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