Research is crucial for the development of any country, but so is the transformation of that knowledge into products or applications that benefit society. Knowledge and technology transfer are among t...
Read moreThis 2-day intensive, accredited course will provide a basic understanding of the technology transfer of analytical methods, quality control standards, packaging components/operations and various p...
Read moreThis research group works with lymphocyte membrane molecules with the aim of developing new treatments for autoimmune diseases, such as Sjögren's syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus, and also c...
Read moreThe University of Barcelona has created the Fund for the Promotion of Innovation (F2I) through the Bosch i Gimpera, its office for the transfer of technology and innovation. The Fund is an initiative ...
Read moreRepresentantes de 22 parques científicos y tecnológicos y 13 empresas han asistido durante dos días a la tercera edición del Foro Transfiere, uno de los principales eventos nacionales en transfere...
Read moreProyecto financiado por la EU que requiere una inversión en I+D de 7,9 M € para el desarrollo de una BioRefinería a partir de Glicerina residual de la fabricación del Biodiesel IUCT, la...
Read moreLa creación de SPHERIUM BIOMED permite a Ferrer segmentar su investigación para hacerla más eficiente y adaptable a las necesidades actuales. SPHERIUM BIOMED gestionará la amplia...
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