University of Oxford and University join forces to research and apply new immunotherapy techniques to cancer patients

by Universidad de Navarra

The University of Oxford and the University of Navarra have signed an agreement agreement to research and apply new techniques in immunotherapy to cancer patients. This is the only active agreement in...

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Timac Agro and the University of Navarra create a cathedra in order to produce sustainable models of environmental development

by Universidad de Navarra

1.5 million euro for foreseeing the effects of climate change on plant nutrition and development. The length of this agreement is of five years, automatically extendable, and it includes the financing...

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'New clinical trials in gene therapy show the beginning of a new form of molecular medicine'

by CIMA - Centro de Investigación Médica Aplicada

Prof. Samulski isolated and characterized during his PhD one of the most promising virus in the field of gene therapy, the adeno-associated virus

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