Reduction of global inequalities in energy use necessary to stop climate change

by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

A just energy transition that keeps global warming below 1.5 or 2°C requires the wealthy countries in the North to reduce their energy use to sustainable levels of consumption, while allowing for a s...

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Climate Change Could Have Direct Consequences on Malaria Transmission in Densely Populated Zones in Africa

by ISGlobal - Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona

A study shows that the lower incidence of disease in the Ethiopian highlands at the turn of the century has a close connection with a temporary slowdown in global warming

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Climate Change Unsettles Nature's Clock

by Universidad de Oviedo

Research led by the University of Oviedo, along with Helsinki University of Finland and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, has identified a loss of synchronisation across periodic events...

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The interaction between plants is affected by the variation of the climate

by Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

These changes will alter the composition of plant communities in semi-arid areas, where an accentuation of droughts is expected. The results of this research suggest that the vital rates of plant spec...

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A diet enriched in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and cereals not only has positive effects on health but also reduces the emission of greenhouse gases

by Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge

A balanced diet enriched in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and cereals, not only has positive effects on health but also reduces the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) caused by the diet.

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How to achieve drought-resistant crops to ensure food security


CRAG researchers publish a review in Science about the ongoing biotechnological strategies to deal with drought, the greatest threat to agriculture

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‘The Guardian’ highlights the in vivo study on coral rejuvenation among the top studies of 2019 on endangered species

by Universitat de Barcelona

In the context of a planet where there are not that many good news on the environment, the newspaper The Guardian highlighted a study carried out by the UB and IRBio among the top ten most relevant st...

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ISGlobal Receives Award from Climate Reality Project for its Work to Combat Climate Change

by ISGlobal - Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona

The Climate Leaders Awards, presented by Al Gore’s climate initiative, recognise Spain’s most effective advocates in the struggle against global warming

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New method to reduce alcohol volume and content in wine

by Fundació Bosch i Gimpera

Climate change is leading to more dry and hot summers, a phenomenon that favours an early ripening of grapes and higher concentrations of sugars. This increment of sugars results in wines with a highe...

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New ways to do traditional organic chemistry

by Universitat de Barcelona

The Paris agreement on climate change and scientific and technological growing interest in the valorisation of biomass are leading researchers to finding new ways of doing traditional organic chemistr...

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A scientific study reveals the most abundant type of microplastics in Mediterranean coastal waters

by Universitat de Barcelona

Polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene are the most abundant microplastics in the Mediterranean coastal waters, according to a new study published by the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin –by t...

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The entity CRU working on climate change incorporates WeMOI index, created by UB researchers, to study the weather in the Mediterranean area

by Universitat de Barcelona

​Singularities of geography and orography of the western Mediterranean make it impossible to apply some of the indexes to understand and predict meteorological phenomena in wide areas of the planet....

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