Dr. Fran Supek receives an ERC Consolidator grant to study cancer and aging-related DNA structural changes

by IRB Barcelona - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica

The project to be carried out at IRB Barcelona has been awarded €2M to address an understudied mutation type known as structural variants.

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Research exploring how human egg cells remain healthy for decades backed by ERC

by Centre for Genomic Regulation

A research group at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) led by Dr. Elvan Böke is working on identifying these cellular mechanisms and unravelling the mysteries of human egg cells. The research gr...

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INCLIVA participa en un proyecto europeo para implementar nuevos biomarcadores y ofrecer tratamientos farmacológicos personalizados en enfermedad renal crónica


PRIME-CKD es un proyecto financiado por la Unión Europea que trabaja àra validar e implementar en la práctica clínica biomarcadores novedosos que predigan la respuesta de los pacientes con enferme...

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El IREC lidera la propuesta europea para la vigilancia de las enfermedades transmisibles zoonóticas desde la fauna silvestre

by Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

El consorcio ENETWILD ha formulado recomendaciones y especificaciones técnicas para la vigilancia coordinada europea con un enfoque de ‘Una Salud Única’, que mejore la detección temprana de est...

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Thirty million euros from the European Union for 4 research projects with the participation of IMIM-Hospital del Mar

by IMIM - Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques

The Hospital del Mar Institute of Medical Research (IMIM-Hospital del Mar) will participate in four projects that will receive funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe programme. In total, nea...

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El Servicio de Digestivo del Hospital de La Princesa participa en un proyecto internacional de detección de lesiones previas al cáncer gástrico

by Hospital Universitario de La Princesa

El Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, a través de su Servicio de Aparato Digestivo, es uno de los centros investigadores que integran el proyecto internacional AIDA para el hallazgo de lesiones p...

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New Biomarkers of antitumor T cells asspcoate woth improved prognosis in endometrial cancer


The T-cell infiltrate of 47 endometrial tumors has been analyzed with the aim of defining tumor-reactive CD8+ and CD4+ TIL populations that could be very valuable in identifying prognostic and predict...

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Smart valorisation solutions for rice husk ash to be developed

by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

Researchers from the Department of Chemistry are leading a European project that aims to revolutionise the way rice husk ash, a growing environmental and health problem, is used. The team, involving u...

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Ambitious European project to elucidate the genomics and epigenomics of lung cancer

by IRB Barcelona - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica

Researchers from the public and private sectors of nine European countries are partnering up for the LUCIA project (Understanding Lung Cancer-Related Risk Factors and their Impact), which seeks to imp...

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La falsa sensación de confianza sobre la presión sanguínea comporta que la ciudadanía haga menos seguimiento médico para controlarla

by UPF - Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Un estudio liderado por la University of Southern California, con la participación de investigadores vinculados a la UPF y de universidades y centros de investigación de Leeds, Pittsburgh, St. Louis...

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TraffikGene receives €2.5M from European Innovation Council to bring its technology to market

by Centro Singular de Investigación en Química Biológica y Materiales Moleculares

The project led by Prof. Javier Montenegro, principal investigator at CiQUS (USC), receives support from the European Innovation Council to advance in the preclinical validation of a novel delivery sy...

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ibs.GRANADA researchers demonstrate that Personalized Medicine reduces adverse drug reactions

by Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria - Ibs Granada

It has been evaluated the utility of using genetic information to personalize the prescription of medicines in the context of several medical fields, demonstrating that patients whose doses are adjust...

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