SOM Biotech appoints Alain Duguet PhD as Head of Chemical Manufacturing and Control

por Som Biotech

SOM Biotech announces the appointment of Alain Duguet Ph.D. as Head of Chemical Manufacturing and Control.

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SOM Biotech attended the BIO International Convention 2020

por Som Biotech

The virtual gathering, one of the most relevant venues for the biotech industry worldwide, allowed SOM biotech to hold more than 70 meetings with key potential business partners and identify opportuni...

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SOM Biotech keynote speaker at the Euronext webinar

por Som Biotech

SOM B​iotech will participate in the Euronext webinar “Finance your tech company´s growth through capital markets” next June 25th.

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SOM Biotech at the BIO International Convention 2020

por Som Biotech

SOM Biote​ch will attend BIO International Co​nvention 2020 in its virtual format “BIO Digital” on June 8th – 12th.

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The desperate use of drugs against coronavirus should be rationalized – Press release El PAÍS

por Som Biotech

SOM B​iotech reoriented its capabilities to search for the treatments of COVID-19. Raúl Insa, CEO of SOM Biotech, acknowledges that he had never thought of using his technology to find treatment fo...

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Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Webinar

por Som Biotech

Interested in learning more about the role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare?

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SOM Biotech anuncia la validación in vitro de tres candidatos a fármacos para el COVID-19 en colaboración con la Universidad Ewha Womans University

por Som Biotech

​SOM Biotech, compañía biotecnológica para el desarrollo y descubrimiento de fármacos, anuncia la validación in vitro de tres candidatos a fármacos como nuevas terapias para el tratamiento del...

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SOM Biotech continues working during coronavirus outbreak to bring therapies for patients with rare diseases

por Som Biotech

While the coronavirus o​utbreak grows worldwide, at SOM Biotech we continue working on our pipeline to bring therapies for patients with rare diseases.

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SOM Biotech at the Eyeforpharma Barcelona Virtual

por Som Biotech

SOM Biotech will attend the Eyeforph​arma Barcelona event that will be hosted online due to the impact of COVID-19, between March 31st and April 2nd 2020.

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SOM Biotech participates in the Rare Disease Day event 2020 'We are the 300 million'

por Som Biotech

The Rare Disease Day event will be focused on expert discussion tables chaired by the Catalan Health Department dedicated to sharing testimonies of affected patients and families.

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SOM Biotech logra avances relevantes en su cartera de fármacos con SOMAI-PRO, su tecnología basada en inteligencia artificial

por Som Biotech

SOM Biotech, compañía biofarmacéutica para la identificación, desarrollo - en fase preclínica y clínica – y comercialización de fármacos para el tratamiento de enfermedades huérfanas, princ...

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