Untwisting DNA reveals new force that shapes genomes

by Centre for Genomic Regulation

Advances in microscopy have enabled researchers to picture loops of DNA strands for the first time. The images reveal how the human genome organises itself in three-dimensional space at much higher re...

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A new tool to find latent HIV will advance the current treatment strategies

by UPF - Universitat Pompeu Fabra

A group of researchers at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in Barcelona, Spain, have developed a new technology that sheds light on the HIV infection and w...

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Un equipo del CNIO reduce el tamaño del genoma humano a 19.000 genes

by Professional Newco

Más del 99% de los genes humanos – aquellos que producen proteínas – tienen un origen anterior a los primates hace más de 50 millones de años

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