Global effort to enhance the reproducibility of microscopy images and analysis in publications

by Centre for Genomic Regulation

Researchers at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona have contributed to the creation of new guidelines to improve the clarity, interpretability, and reproducibility of microscopy image...

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Untwisting DNA reveals new force that shapes genomes

by Centre for Genomic Regulation

Advances in microscopy have enabled researchers to picture loops of DNA strands for the first time. The images reveal how the human genome organises itself in three-dimensional space at much higher re...

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Webinar: Importance of Microscopy for Spermatologists – March 18th


Microptic organizes a new free webinar on March 18th: Importance of Microscopy for Spermatologists.

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Microscopy – part 4: Are microscope settings and stain selection really important in sperm quality assessment?


How good are you at using your routine or research microscope in the lab or in the Andrology setting? If you cannot immediately answer the following three questions, then you are not using the microsc...

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Is CASA really required in semen analysis?


The big questions are: Does CASA measure sperm parameters such as motility, morphology, vitality etc. quantitatively, accurately and to what extent does it enhance clinical spermatology for human and ...

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How can we measure mechanical stress in living tissues?

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

A team of experts from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) has published a review in the journal Nature Reviews Physics detailing the different techniques used to calculate mechanical...

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CIC bioGUNE researchers decode new extremophile viruses whose assembly is related to human viruses

by CIC bioGUNE

The researchers have studied two viruses which live in salt lakes and have an extraordinary survival capacity, and are crucial in understanding some of the viruses of today.

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