Peptomyc is awarded €5 million from the Horizon Europe EIC Accelerator Program to conduct a Phase 1b clinical trial with OMO-103 in patients and scale up its manufacturing process

by Peptomyc

The biotech company Peptomyc S.L. announced today that it has been awarded €5 million blended financing from the Horizon Europe, European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator Program. The grant will...

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ORYZON to provide corporate progress updates at several events in November

by Oryzon Genomics

Oryzon Genomics, S.A., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company leveraging epigenetics to develop therapies in diseases with strong unmet medical need, announced today that its management will give ...

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ORYZON announces Last Patient Last Visit in its Phase IIb PORTICO study for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

by Oryzon Genomics

Oryzon Genomics, S.A. today announced Last Patient Last Visit in its ongoing Phase IIb PORTICO trial, investigating vafidemstat’s efficacy in Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Multiple primary ...

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Kynexis, a biotechnology company focused on precision therapeutics for brain diseases, closes a €57 million in Series A financing led by Forbion, with participation from Ysios Capital and Sunstone Life Science Ventures

by Ysios Capital

This capital increase will allow Kynexis to advance the development of KYN5356, an innovative quinurenine aminotransferase II (KAT-II) enzyme inhibitor, for the treatment of cognitive impairment assoc...

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Oxolife Appoints International Fertility Experts to its Scientific Advisory Board

by Oxolife

Oxolife, the specialized biotech focused on enhancing embryo implantation in women undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) fertility treatment, today announces it has appointed globally reno...

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Mineralys Therapeutics Further Defines Endotype-Specific, Targeted Approach to Treatment of Uncontrolled or Resistant Hypertension with Lorundrostat Data at AHA Scientific Sessions 2023

by Ysios Capital

Mineralys Therapeutics today presented data from the Target-HTN Phase 2 trial that further defines an endotype-specific targeted approach for treating uncontrolled or resistant hypertension with lorun...

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Peaches Biotech recibe el Premio Innova Health 2023 al proyecto más innovador

by Peaches Biotech

Peaches Biotech, grupo español de biotecnología especializado en terapias celulares, ha sido galardonado este año como el Proyecto Innovador por el desarrollo de su propia tecnología, basada en el...

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Muestran la eficacia de un nuevo fármaco para tratar el cáncer de colon

by CSIC - Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Los investigadores han desarrollado un medicamento dirigido contra la proteína CD98hc, una nueva diana terapéutica presente en la superficie de las células tumorales

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Minoryx announces enrollment of first patients with cerebral Adrenoleukodystrophy (cALD) in US Phase 3 clinical trial, CALYX

by Ysios Capital

As part of CALYX, Minoryx is conducting an extensive pre-screening MRI-based campaign aimed at identifying eligible adult X-ALD patients with cerebral Adrenoleukodystrophy (cALD)

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AseBio presenta el 'Mapa de capacidades frente a la resistencia a los antibióticos' de la industria biotecnológica española

by Asebio

El mapa revela que 43 socios de AseBio realizan acciones directas dirigidas a combatir la resistencia a los antibióticos por medio de distintas capacidades. La mayoría de estas organizaciones ‘bio...

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Luminescent Nanoparticle-based Implants for Pain and Epilepsy Treatment

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

The IBEC is set to lead the coordination of the PHOTOTHERAPORT project, which will be developed with funding from the European Innovation Council’s Pathfinder Open programme. The project focuses on ...

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ORYZON announces a New Financing through a Convertible Bond Program for a total amount of up to €45 million

by Oryzon Genomics

Funding provided by Nice & Green SA, a Swiss private investor, of €8 million in two tranches of €4 million each, plus optional additional tranches of up to €5 million each to be executed in the ...

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